Practice Exam - CT002AC: AWS Certified Developer Associate-level exam

This review is designed for IT experts who are familiar with the system of creating configurable, highly scalable, budget-effective and fault-tolerant programs on the AWS platform.
This review is designed for IT experts who are familiar with the system of creating configurable, highly scalable, budget-effective and fault-tolerant programs on the AWS platform.

More Information:

  • Modality: On Demand
  • Provider: Amazon Web Services
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Duration: 30 Min
  • Course Info: Download PDF
  • Certificate: See Sample

Course Information

About the Exam:

This exam is intended for IT professionals who knows the process of developing scalable, highly available, cost effective, and fault tolerant systems on the AWS platform.


  • Those IT professionals who will to learn the process of developing scalable, highly available, cost effective, and fault tolerant systems on the AWS platform.

  • Those IT professionals who wish to acquire practical experience of the process of developing cloud based applications

  • Those IT Professionals who want to learn about the Best Practices for developing cloud based applications

  • Those IT Professionals who intend to take and clear the AWS Certified Developer Exam


Prior to opting for this exam, candidates should have the following;

  • Experience of Coding in Java

  • Functional and working knowledge of the Linux Platform.


This exam qualifies as the 1 required exam to earn AWS Developer - Associate certification.



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