Practice Exam - CT003AC: AWS SysOps Administrator Associate-level exam

This examination is meant for IT practitioners who intend to develop the skills and knowledge required to manage the current AWS network as well as identify bottlenecks in performance.
This examination is meant for IT practitioners who intend to develop the skills and knowledge required to manage the current AWS network as well as identify bottlenecks in performance.

More Information:

  • Modality: On Demand
  • Provider: Amazon Web Services
  • Difficulty: Beginner
  • Duration: 30 Min
  • Course Info: Download PDF
  • Certificate: See Sample

Course Information

About the Exam:

This exam is intended for IT Professionals who wish to obtain the knowledge and skills needed for managing the existing AWS infrastructure, along with identifying performance bottlenecks.


  • The Exam is designed to be undertaken by those IT Professionals who wish to obtain the knowledge and skills needed for managing the existing AWS infrastructure, along with identifying performance bottlenecks. In addition, they also learn skills which enable them to clear the AWS Certified Developer exam.


Prior to opting for this exam, candid

  • Prior experience in the IT industry or a degree in the field of information technology

  • Prior experience with Linux System administration. It is recommended but not mandatory.

  • Basic understanding of databases.


This exam qualifies as the 1 required exam to earn AWS SysOps Administrator – Associate certification.



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